Juvenile Diabetes Mellitus Treatment

In this modern era, the prevalence of Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus, commonly known as Juvenile Diabetes, is concerning. Two out of every ten children are affected by this condition, making it a daily challenge for them to manage their insulin injections, the primary treatment. Moreover, the accompanying distressing symptoms further compound the difficulties they face.

Understanding Diabetes Mellitus:

Diabetes Mellitus is a heterogeneous metabolic disorder characterized by chronic hyperglycemia, impacting carbohydrate, fat, and protein metabolism. Globally, it remains a leading cause of morbidity and mortality, with severe complications such as end-stage renal disease, ischemic heart disease, and lower extremity gangrene.


Diabetes Mellitus is classified into three primary types:

  1. Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus (Insulin-dependent DM)
  2. Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (Non-insulin dependent DM)
  3. Gestational Diabetes

Type 1 DM:

Type 1 Diabetes, also referred to as Insulin-dependent or juvenile-onset diabetes, primarily affects children between ages 4 to 6 and during early puberty. It is an autoimmune disease, where the body’s immune system mistakenly attacks and destroys insulin-producing beta cells in the pancreas, leading to inadequate or absent insulin production. Insulin plays a critical role in regulating protein, glucose, lipid, and mineral metabolism.


Epidemiological studies indicate that Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is experiencing an increase, albeit not as substantial as Type 2 DM. This rise is attributed to a combination of genetic predisposition, lifestyle changes, and environmental factors. Recognizing the signifi cance of this trend, the Indian Council of Medical Research has initiated a registry specifically targeting young diabetes cases in India.

Various studies have shed light on the prevalence of Type 1 DM in diff erent regions. For instance, a 13-year study in Karnataka reported an incidence of 3.7 cases per 100,000 in boys and 4 cases per 100,000 in girls. In Haryana, a study conducted in 2010 revealed an overall prevalence of 10.2 cases per 100,000, with a six-fold higher prevalence in urban areas (26.6 per 100,000) compared to rural areas (4.27 per 100,000). Notably, there are currently around 100,000 children in India diagnosed with Type 1 DM.

On a global scale, it is estimated that one out of every fi ve children diagnosed with Type 1 DM is of Indian descent. Interestingly, there appears to be no sex diff erence in Type 1 DM when onset occurs before the age of 15 years. However, after 15 years of age, the incidence is higher in males. These findings emphasize the importance of monitoring and addressing the increasing prevalence of Type 1 DM, particularly among young individuals in India and around the world.

Formation of the Pancreas during Early Development

During embryonic development, the pancreas takes shape through a complex process. Here is an overview of the embryology of the pancreas:

  1. Formation: Around 4 weeks of gestation, the primitive pancreas begins to form. It arises from two outpouchings known as the dorsal pancreatic bud and the ventral pancreatic bud. These buds originate from the endodermal lining of the duodenum, at the junction of the foregut and midgut.
  2. Diff erentiation: The ventral pancreatic bud gives rise to the posterior part of the head and the uncinate process of the pancreas. On the other hand, the dorsal pancreatic bud forms the anterior part of the head, body, and tail of the pancreas.
  3. Duct Formation: The main pancreatic duct, also known as the Wirsung duct, is formed from the ventral duct and the distal portion of the dorsal duct. Additionally, the accessory duct, called the Santorini duct, may be present due to the persistence of the proximal portion of the dorsal pancreatic duct.
  4. Rotation and Fusion: Around the sixth week of gestation, as the foregut elongates, the ventral pancreas, gallbladder, and bile duct rotate in a clockwise direction posterior to the duodenum. During this rotation, they join the dorsal pancreas.
  5. Final Formation: By about the seventh week of gestation, the ventral pancreatic bud fuses with the dorsal pancreatic bud, resulting in the formation of a single, fully developed pancreas.
  6. Duct Configuration: The embryonic origins of the ventral pancreatic duct and the common bile duct (CBD) are linked. This developmental connection leads to the adult configuration of the common entrance into the duodenum, which is known as the major papilla.

The embryology of the pancreas is a highly orchestrated process that culminates in the formation of a functional and vital organ responsible for producing digestive enzymes and hormones, such as insulin and glucagon, that regulate blood sugar levels.

The islets of Langerhans are clusters of endocrine cells within the pancreas that play a crucial role in regulating blood glucose levels. These islets are formed from duct cells of the pancreas during development. Within the islets, there are fi ve diff erent types of endocrine cells, each producing distinct hormones:

  1. Alpha Cells: These cells secrete glucagon, a hormone that raises blood glucose levels by promoting the release of glucose from the liver into the bloodstream.
  2. Beta Cells: Beta cells produce insulin, a hormone that helps lower blood glucose levels by facilitating the uptake of glucose into cells for energy usage and storage.
  3. Delta Cells: Delta cells release somatostatin, a hormone that acts as an inhibitor and helps regulate the release of other hormones, including insulin and glucagon.
  4. Pancreatic Polypeptide-Producing Cells: These cells produce pancreatic polypeptide, which plays a role in regulating various digestive processes.
  5. Epsilon Cells: Epsilon cells secrete ghrelin, a hormone involved in appetite regulation and stimulating hunger.

Among these different endocrine cells, beta cells are crucial for maintaining glucose homeostasis. They are typically located centrally within the islets of Langerhans and are surrounded by the other endocrine cell types. Insulin, produced by beta cells, plays a fundamental role in regulating blood glucose levels, ensuring that cells receive the necessary energy and that excessive glucose levels in the bloodstream are properly managed. Dysfunction or destruction of beta cells can lead to conditions like Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, where insulin production and/or utilization are impaired, resulting in abnormal blood glucose levels.

Understanding the Pathogenesis of Type 1 DM:

The development of Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus (DM) involves a complex interplay of genetic, autoimmune, and environmental factors. During early gestation, the pancreas forms from two outpouchings of the endodermal lining of the duodenum, known as the ventral and dorsal pancreas. The beta cells responsible for insulin production arise from duct cells in the pancreas, forming clusters known as islets of Langerhans. These islets also contain other endocrine cell types.

The primary mechanism underlying Type 1 DM is the destruction of beta cell mass, resulting in a severe insulin deficiency. This process can be explained by three interconnected factors:

a) Genetic Susceptibility:

Around half of the cases with a genetic predisposition to Type 1A DM have susceptibility genes located in the HLA region of chromosome 6, specifically HLA DR3, HLA DR4, and HLA DQ locus. These genes play a vital role in the immune system’s function. The HLA complex helps the immune system distinguish the body’s own proteins from those produced by foreign invaders, like viruses and bacteria. Certain combinations of HLA variations, called haplotypes, are associated with a higher risk of developing Type 1 DM. These haplotypes seem to increase the likelihood of an inappropriate immune response against beta cells.

b) Autoimmunity:

In Type 1 DM, the immune system mistakenly attacks the body’s own beta cells. Several major autoantibodies have been identifi ed, such as Insulin autoantibody (IAA), Glutamic acid decarboxylase autoantibody (GADA), and Insulinoma-associated autoantigen 2 autoantibody (IA-2A). The presence of these autoantibodies, which can appear before symptoms develop, helps identify individuals at higher risk for the disease. The immune system causes lymphocytic infiltration in and around the pancreatic islets, a condition called insulitis. This infiltration mainly involves CD8+ T lymphocytes along with variable numbers of CD4+ T lymphocytes and macrophages, leading to the selective destruction of beta cells through T-cell mediated cytotoxicity or apoptosis.

c) Environmental Factors:

Certain viral infections, such as mumps, measles, and cytomegalovirus, have been associated with the onset of Type 1 DM. Viruses can directly damage beta cells or
indirectly trigger an autoimmune response, further contributing to the disease.

In conclusion, Type 1 DM develops due to a combination of genetic susceptibility, autoimmune reactions targeting beta cells, and potential environmental triggers. Understanding the pathogenesis of Type 1 DM is crucial for advancing research, prevention, and treatment strategies for this autoimmune condition.

Recognizing Clinical Signs and Symptoms:

The clinical signs and symptoms of Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus (DM) can vary in severity and may include:

  1. Increased Thirst: Experiencing persistent and excessive thirst (polydipsia) due to high blood glucose levels.
  2. Frequent Urination: Having to urinate more frequently than usual (polyuria), which can include bedwetting in previously toilet-trained children.
  3. Extreme Hunger: Feeling constantly hungry (polyphagia) as the body’s cells are unable to use glucose effectively for energy.
  4. Unintentional Weight Loss: Losing weight despite an increased appetite, as the body starts breaking down stored fats and proteins for energy due to the lack of insulin.
  5. Fatigue: Feeling tired and lacking energy due to the body’s inability to use glucose efficiently.
  6. Fruity-Smelling Breath: A sweet, fruity odor on the breath (often described as acetone or nail polish remover-like) due to the breakdown of fats for energy.
  7. Dry Mouth: Experiencing a dry sensation in the mouth due to increased thirst and dehydration.
  8. Blurry Vision: Having blurred vision caused by changes in the shape of the eye’s lens due to high blood sugar levels.
  9. Crankiness or Mood Changes: Displaying irritability or sudden mood swings, often observed in children with undiagnosed diabetes.
  10. Rapid Breathing: Breathing more rapidly or deeply (Kussmaul breathing) as the body attempts to eliminate excess acids (ketones) from the blood.
  11. Loss of Consciousness in Emergency: In severe cases of uncontrolled diabetes, an individual may lose consciousness due to a life-threatening condition called diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA).


Blood investigations are crucial for diagnosing and monitoring diabetes. Here are some common tests used to assess blood sugar levels and diff erentiate between Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes:

  1. HbA1C (Glycated Hemoglobin) Test:
    1. Measures the percentage of red blood cells coated with glucose over the past two to three months.
    2. Normal range: Less than 5.7%
    3. Pre-diabetes: 5.7% to 6.4%
    4. Diabetes: 6.5% or higher
  2. Fasting Blood Sugar Test:
    1. Blood is drawn in the morning on an empty stomach.
    2. Normal range: Less than 100 mg/dL
    3. Pre-diabetes: 100 mg/dL to 125 mg/dL
    4. Diabetes: 126 mg/dL or higher
  3. Random Blood Sugar Test:
    • Blood is taken at any time of day without regard to meals.
    • A value of 200 mg/dL or higher indicates diabetes.
  4. Antibody Test:
    • Helps differentiate between Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes.
    • Detects autoantibodies that attack the pancreas.
    • Juvenile diabetes (Type 1) typically shows more autoantibodies than Type 2 diabetes.

These blood investigations are valuable tools in diagnosing and managing diabetes, helping healthcare professionals tailor appropriate treatment plans for each individual. Regular monitoring of blood sugar levels through these tests allows for better control of diabetes and early detection of potential complications.

Potential Complications:

Absolutely, you’ve highlighted some of the potential complications that can arise from Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus (DM). Here’s a bit more information on each of these complications:

  1. Diabetic Neuropathy: Prolonged high blood sugar levels can damage nerves throughout the body, leading to diabetic neuropathy. This condition can cause symptoms such as numbness, tingling, pain, or weakness in the extremities, and it may affect various organs, including the digestive system and the heart.
  2. Heart and Blood Vessel Disease: People with Type 1 DM are at an increased risk of developing heart and blood vessel diseases, including coronary artery disease, heart attack, stroke, and peripheral arterial disease. Elevated blood sugar levels and other risk factors contribute to the development of these conditions.
  3. Diabetic Nephropathy: Uncontrolled diabetes can damage the kidneys, leading to diabetic nephropathy. Over time, this condition can progress to chronic kidney disease and may require dialysis or kidney transplantation.
  4. Diabetic Retinopathy: Elevated blood sugar levels can damage the blood vessels in the retina, leading to diabetic retinopathy. This condition can cause vision problems, and in severe cases, it may lead to blindness.
  5. Skin and Mouth Infections: High blood sugar levels can weaken the immune system, making individuals with Type 1 DM more susceptible to skin and mouth infections, such as fungal and bacterial infections.
  6. Pregnancy-Related Issues: Pregnant women with Type 1 DM require careful management of their blood sugar levels to reduce the risk of complications both for themselves and their babies. Poorly controlled diabetes during pregnancy can lead to birth defects and other complications.
  7. Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA): This life-threatening condition occurs when there is a severe shortage of insulin in the body. In response, the body breaks down fats for energy, resulting in the production of toxic acids known as ketones. DKA requires immediate medical attention.

These potential complications underscore the importance of proper diabetes management, including blood sugar monitoring, adherence to medication, a healthy diet, regular exercise, and routine medical check-ups. Early detection and intervention can help prevent or delay the onset of these complications and improve the overall
quality of life for individuals with Type 1 DM.


At Namma Homeopathy, our approach to managing Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is rooted in holistic principles and individualized care. We understand that each person’s genetic makeup and health challenges are unique, and we tailor our treatments accordingly.

Our innovative approach, known as “Morbified Genomic Dynamis,” centers on pediatric cases at a genetic level. We delve into the genetic factors contributing to Type 1 DM, seeking to identify and address the root causes of autoimmunity and genetic susceptibility. By doing so, we aim to prevent beta cell destruction by autoantibodies and promote beta cell regeneration, enhancing the body’s ability to produce insulin naturally

The formulation of our remedies is carefully designed to stimulate the body’s healing mechanisms, fostering balance and harmony in its functions. Through dynamic modulation of mutated genes using the vital force, we work to restore the body’s natural equilibrium.

Our ultimate goal is not only to manage the symptoms of Type 1 DM but also to empower our patients and eliminate the fear of diabetes mellitus in future generations. We believe that by providing individualized care and addressing the underlying genetic factors, we can create a positive impact on the overall health and well-being of our patients.

At Namma Homeopathy, we are dedicated to promoting a healthier future by embracing a holistic and personalized approach to managing Type 1 DM and other health conditions. We strive to be at the forefront of innovative and effective homeopathic treatments, ensuring that each person receives the best possible care tailored to their specific needs.